Social engineering targets your team members and your business processes before it impacts the infrastructure you use, the technology you develop, and the customers you serve. Protect your human attack surface proactively without adding to your head count.

Picnic reduces individual risk. corporate risk. threat exposure. the human attack surface. the number of incidents. cybersecurity workload. cybersecurity operational costs. |

Most threat actors in the Technology sector target executives, employees, and contractors with privileged technical access to information technology. They also target front desk employees with privileged access to personally identifiable information. Help Desk employees, for example, are of high interest to an attacker. The threat actors’ main motive is financial; they aim to compromise organizations and their supply chains with whaling and ransomware attacks. Threat intelligence reveals that these cyber criminals rely on breached personal and work credential reuse, spear phishing, and supply chain vulnerabilities (human and technical) to execute their attack plan. But first, they conduct target reconnaissance to identify opportunities to attack and build dossiers of their intended victims by leveraging open source intelligence sources (OSINT) in the open, deep, and dark web, looking at professional and personal digital identities.

Picnic taps into the same OSINT sources threat actors use, and it operates its proprietary technology to:

  • Analyze human risk
  • Predict attack pathways
  • Deliver prioritized remediations that harden your human attack surface to prevent social engineering attacks that can compromise your people and business

By partnering with Picnic to make your organization a tough target for attackers, you will see a quantifiable reduction in impersonation, spear phishing, and credential stuffing attacks.

Picnic delivers security outcomes

"Infrastructure security has come a long way, threat actors have had to adapt, and the cybersecurity game has changed in today’s environment, where there is no true network edge. Social engineers using our own data against us is a central issue. Picnic protects individuals and their families in office, home, and remote environments, creating an enterprise culture of safety, security, and privacy. It empowers their people and delivers a smart cost-effective layer of cybersecurity that modern security teams need."
Scott Goodhart
CISO, Emeritus
With Picnic
Without Picnic

Why reduce human risk, and why now?

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More than half of the population reuse the same password across multiple accounts.
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Almost half of the population believes an email is safe if it contains familiar branding.
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Ninety percent of all cyber attacks start with a phishing email.
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Social engineering, web application attacks, and system intrusions account for seventy-seven percent of all cyber attacks in the technology industry.

Stop reacting. Start preempting.

A defense-in-depth strategy begins beyond traditional security controls to stop phishing, smishing, and vishing attacks before they start.

Explore our services

Most customers start protecting their human attack surface with Picnic High-Value Target DRPS and then expand coverage.
However, every organization has different priorities and goals. Tell us yours, and we will tailor a program that meets your needs.

Ready to get started?

Move beyond the corporate perimeter to reduce human risk and proactively safeguard against cyber threats with zero effort.


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