Podcast Interview – Lt. General (ret.) Charles Moore, fmr. Deputy Commander, US Cyber Command

We are thrilled to share with you a podcast interview with Lt. General (ret.) Charles Moore, also known as “Tuna.” Tuna is a former F-16 Pilot (hence the callsign), Squadron Group Commander, Wing Commander, and former Deputy Commander of the US Cyber Command. Picnic is honored to have him on our Board of Advisors.

In this episode, Matt Polak, Founder and CEO of Picnic, interviews Tuna on a range of compelling topics. They discuss his recent work in developing the psychological operations capabilities (psyops) of the US armed forces, his current project with Vanderbilt University, and his insights on the challenges the private sector faces from generative AI and social engineering techniques used by threat actors.

This is not your typical cybersecurity podcast interview. With Tuna’s extensive national security experience and his current academic role, this episode is sure to leave you wanting more. Don’t miss it!

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